Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Journey

Ordinary Word:

Van goes to school everyday, chats with people he knows. Then he goes home to a home he doesn't even want to go home to. He wonders when life will eventually start to change for better...or worse.

Call to adventure:

It's Van's senior year in High School, and he has a lot of decisions to make such as his future. What is he going to be? What does he live for? Everyone else seems to know what they want for their future. He needs to make his own right now.

Refusal of the call:

Van doesn't want to even think about his future. If he had the choice, he would stay at home and draw all day. That was his passion. His only passion.

Meeting with the mentor:

He prays to God. Asking him for guidance to know what he should do. God then gives him comfort and puts Trisha in his life. She helps him by telling him small simple things, which gives him courage.

Crossing the Threshold:

Van starts taking risks. He gets out of his bubble. Van applies for colleges, scholarships, and signs up to take the ACT..again.

Tests, Allies, Enemies:

Teachers start pushing Van too hard with school work and tests. He studied really hard for the ACT, which made everything in his life harder. Friends seemed to become distant. They seemed to be living their own lives, while van felt like he was alone. 'So this is how it has to be huh?" Van often thought to himself.


Trisha notices Van struggling in his life. She helps him study for the ACT and takes him on a few dates to cheer him up. She gives him courage with advice and listening ears. Van then steps back a minute and realizes that there are others there to help him, but that's only if he lets them in.


Van decides to take the AP Art test, even though his life in in crises. It took countless hours of work, but Van finally ends up submitting the portfolio. He then continues to work toward scholarships and other things.


Van gets his AP Art credit, and receives a few scholarships.

The Road Back:

He graduates from High School, and heads back to reality. He knows know that he's a better person from his experiences.


Van tells Trisha how he feels about her. She tells him that she likes someone else, but that she wants to stay friends with him. Van knew that was the outcome, but was more heartbroken than he thought. But because of his experiences, he knew that he could get through it and not to give up on her just yet.

Return with Elixir:

He realizes that he was called to be an art teacher. Not just an ordinary one, but an uplifting art teacher who is willing to help others with their struggles.


Hero: Van
Mentor: Trisha
Threshold Guardian: Teachers
Herald: Parents
Shapeshifter: Van, and students
Shadow: The ACT, AP Art test, other tests.
Trickster: Teachers.

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