This is for the selfish, the wise and the stupid.
This is for those books that have hardly been read but are a legendary. For the writers, the dreamers and the lovers.
Tell someone
This is for the ones in love with someone special.
Everyone has one of these once and a while.
Tell someone.
This is for the people who struggle with Pornography, drugs, and alcohol who need help.
Tell someone.
This is for the happy, sad and lonely people. For the dried out paint, old paintbrushes, broken guitar strings, broken pencils and out of ink pens.
This is for the worn out sneakers, the broken glass on my cold driveway, that rusty old car, the melting sun, the frozen moon, and the empty water bottle.
Tell someone.
This is for that old record player, the classy Beatles albums, and the new tape players. This is for you.
Tell someone.